Terms of service.

The below Terms of Service set out an agreement between ‘you' (the owner) and ‘The Happy Hound’ (the service provider).

Your Booking

1.     Payment of a deposit will confirm the owner/s acceptance of our Terms and Conditions and Booking.

2.     Our fees are based on 24hr booking periods; collections more than 2 hours over a 24-hour period are charged at 50% of the daily fee. If collection is more than 8 hours over a 24-hour period, an additional 24-hour period rate will be charged.

3.     A 50% deposit is expected at time of booking. Bookings are not confirmed until a deposit has been received.

4.     If a deposit has been taken, the remaining balance will be due prior to your dog’s board (as outlined on the invoice). If we are unable to collect a balance, the booking may be cancelled, and we will contact you to resolve this. Until the total payment has been received, the board cannot go ahead.

5.     Your agreement with The Happy Hound is upon a mutually satisfactory ‘meet and greet’ session taking place, and if required, a trial night stay prior to the board.

6.     The Happy Hound reserves the right to refuse any dog at our own discretion. We reserve the right to modify or discontinue our Service (or any part or content thereof) without notice at any time. We shall not be liable to you for any costs incurred.

7.     In the event of any emergency, we reserve the right at our discretion to cancel the booking and refund your deposit without any liability to The Happy Hound.

8.     If you collect your dog before the confirmed end date of the board, you will not receive a refund.

9.     The owner must inform The Happy Hound of any changes or cancellations to their booking at the earliest opportunity and must be notified in writing. Should you wish to cancel the booking, the following charges will be applied:

·       More than 28 days notice:        0% of the total balance is payable

·       28-15 days notice:                  50% of the total balance is payable

·       14-8 days notice:                    75% of the total balance is payable

·       Less than 7 days notice:            100% of the total balance is payable*

10. All bookings, either confirmed or pending, are subject to ‘The Happy Hounds’ Terms of Service.

Your Dog

1.     You confirm that you are the legal owner of your dog.

2.      You agree to provide full, honest, and detailed information in the Booking Form about your dog/s and agree to our terms and conditions. During your continued use of The Happy Hound services, you agree to keep us informed of any changes to your dog/s Booking Form. Failure on your part to disclose any matter whether material fact or not, which in our view might render your dog unsuitable for boarding with the carer or to use this home boarding service will amount to breach of conditions and termination of your dog’s stay without refund.

3.     You confirm that your dog has not been ill with any contagious disease (suspected or otherwise) within the past 30 days.

4.     You confirm that your dog is non-aggressive and that you have disclosed any medical conditions or behaviors that may put themselves, other dogs, or people at risk.

5.      You confirm that you agree should your dog’s behaviour become uncontrollable, destructive, or unreasonable, or are suspected or proven to be carrying a contagious disease, you accept that he/she will be asked to be collected by your ‘In Case of Emergency’ contact within 24 hours. If your ‘In Case of Emergency' contact is not available, your dog may be placed in a suitable environment until your return and that this may be subject to a transfer charge of £30.00 which will be payable by yourself upon your return. There will be no refund of the boarding fees you have paid to The Happy Hound, and any additional fees charged by the kennels will be payable by you. In addition, you agree to pay the cost of any damage caused by your dog to the carer’s home, or additional care required to ensure your dog is transported in a safe way.

6.     You agree to provide an ‘In Case of Emergency’ contact who will be available to collect your dog within 24 hours of notification whilst you are away. The contact must live close by (within 2 hours drive) and be available for the duration of the board.

7.     Any current or previous health conditions or related condition (illness, injury, or clinical signs) will not be covered by The Happy Hound’s insurance policy. More details of our insurance cover can be provided upon request. The owner is responsible for all veterinary costs, food, or other incidentals.

8.     Should your dog/s require veterinary treatment during our care, we will always seek veterinary advice and act in the dog’s best interest. You agree to conducting a ‘Mini MOT’ prior to boarding.

9.     The Happy Hound are insured through Protectivity – a copy of the insurance policy can be viewed upon request.

10.   All dog’s must be up to date with their vaccinations. You must provide The Happy Hound with the vaccination booklet at the start of each booking, a copy will be held on file for Licensing requirements. Kennel Cough vaccination is recommended.

11.   All dog’s must have been treated for worms, tick, and fleas within 4 weeks of boarding, and to cover the cost of any treatments required during their stay. If signs of fleas/worms/ticks are found, The Happy Hound will treat your dog/s with a suitable treatment. The owner is responsible for any costs associated with the treatment of your dog/s, plus any other affected dog/s living/boarding with us, and any treatments required to The Happy Hound building/vehicle(s).

12.   You agree to supply enough food and medication (if applicable) for the duration of your dog's board, plus water and food bowls, bedding, lead and any toys which will help your dog to settle. If insufficient food or medication is supplied at the start of the board, you agree to reimburse The Happy Hound any costs incurred purchasing more food or medication. You must also inform The Happy Hound of any allergies or intolerances, or any behaviors that may pose a risk to your dog or others.

13.   You further agree to deliver your dog and any bedding/bowls/coats/toys you have agreed to supply in a hygienically clean and safe condition. The Happy Hound is not liable for any loss or damage.

14.   All dogs must be microchipped (in accordance with the Microchipping of Dogs regulations 2015), microchip details must be up-to-date, and the microchip number must be supplied to The Happy Hound for a board to commence.

15.   We are happy to accept bookings for un-spayed bitches, however if you believe your dog is due to come into season during her board you must inform us at the time of booking. No liability for unwanted pregnancies will be accepted.

16.   Your dog is expected to be always under control, house-trained and not over boisterous in the home. If your dog causes damage to our home or belongings, other than reasonable tear and wear, you agree to reimburse any reasonable costs incurred by The Happy Hound in this event.

17.   If you prefer/agree to your dog being exercised off lead, please note this on the Dog Information form. In doing so, you accept all responsibility for any loss, injury, or third-party responsibility.

18.   You agree to provide any equipment (leads/bowls/muzzles/etc.,) required for their safety.

19.   We are unable to accept dogs with aggression problems towards other dogs or people; and dog under 12 months old; any intact dogs; any bitches in season; any dogs used for guarding, racing or any commercial purposes; or any dogs subject to the terms of the Dangerous Dogs Act 1991.

20.   You agree that if your dog attacks, or is involved in a fight, with another dog (and/or person) causing injury to that dog (and /or person), you will be responsible for any losses or damages incurred as a result including, but not limited to, payment of veterinary fees or medical expenses in respect of injuries to another animal (or/and person) caused by your dog/s. We recommend but do not insist that your dog be insured against sickness, accident, or injury and for third party liability prior to boarding.