Our Happy Hounds

  • Bella

    Cheeky but loveable, Bella is our resident ‘Happy Hound’. She is a typical beagle and keeps us on our toes. She loves making new friends, going on adventures, finding the most comfortable spot on the sofa, and stealing your biscuits!

  • Dudley

    Possibly the best trained dog this side of Crufts. Rufus will tell you to sit before crossing the road, and gives the best cuddles too. Oh, and this little boy can jump. (Not to mention, he’s super cute too!).

  • Rocky

    ‘Rocky the Rockstar’ is our name for this gorgeous boy. Being a lab, his first obsession is obviously a ball, but this cool dude is such a sweetheart (I think Bella is secretly in love with him, as are we!). He loves his cuddles too, and still thinks he’s a lapdog, bless.

  • Luna

    Lovely Luna is a real character. She knows exactly when it is treat time, and loves her zoomies too. She is the perfect house guest, with impeccable manners, and loves a trip to the pub too!

  • Benji and Betsy

    This gorgeous double-act are super cute! Betsy is my little shadow, whereas Benji tries to play it cool (but definitely has FOMO!). These guys love nothing more than a good sniff on a walk, and are like a couple of bookends on the sofa.

  • Honey & Paitence

    Whilst these two come as a pair, they are totally different personalities. Honey is pretty laid back, whereas Patience is takes a bit more reassurance. But once you’ve won them over, this besotted duo are never far from your side.